Jacket Custom Painting

from $35.00

You send us a jacket, we add all the perfect details. Custom hand painting is unique to each jacket we receive, and painted with permanent fabric medium to prevent cracking, peeling and fading. Best results on jean jackets.

  • Limit 3 words per jacket

  • Adult and Child jacket painting available

Adult or Child:
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You send us a jacket, we add all the perfect details. Custom hand painting is unique to each jacket we receive, and painted with permanent fabric medium to prevent cracking, peeling and fading. Best results on jean jackets.

  • Limit 3 words per jacket

  • Adult and Child jacket painting available

You send us a jacket, we add all the perfect details. Custom hand painting is unique to each jacket we receive, and painted with permanent fabric medium to prevent cracking, peeling and fading. Best results on jean jackets.

  • Limit 3 words per jacket

  • Adult and Child jacket painting available


After adding jacket to cart, you will be prompted to fill out a form including preferred colors, lettering, and graphics. Each jacket is made to order and takes an estimated 3 weeks to ship. Please note that you are only allowed 3 business days to edit your order to ensure efficient turn around time. Edits after 3 business days may require fees. Returns not available.


Recommended gentle hand washing in cold water.